Directed by Tom McCarthy (The Station Agent), "the comedy drama centers on a beleaguered attorney and part-time wrestling coach at New Providence HS who schemes to keep his practice from going under by acting as the legal caretaker of an elderly client. Mike Flaherty (Giamatti) thinks he has discovered the perfect loophole to keep his practice in business. But his brilliant plan hits an unexpected hitch when his client's troubled grandson shows up looking for a place to stay. With his home life in turmoil and both of his careers in jeopardy, Mike quickly realizes that he'll have to get creative in order to find a way out of his current predicament." -Jason Buchanan, Rovi
Win Win is rated R for language. View the trailer here:
Where | 917 Valley Rd, Gillette, NJ 07933 (Long Hill Township Library) |
When | October 5th and October 22nd |
Time | 2:00pm–4:00pm |
Who to bring | College Students, Moms, Dads, Singles, Seniors |
Website | |
Phone | 908-647-2088 | | |
Price | FREE |